IVF / ICSI Cycles

At Bonté we are on your side. We want to take the time to counsel you and enhance your knowledge and make you aware of plans that suffer from a lack of scientific rigour. We hope to empower you to be able to take decisions about your body and future family, on your own.


At Bonté, we are committed to sharing the truth about women’s bodies and how they work. An increasing number of people are waiting longer to have children and when they think they are failing, they seek help immediately and rather desperately. Unfortunately, IVF cycles are expensive and emotionally gruelling while success results remain low. Moreover, many clinics offer a multitude of additional treatments which can be stressful to navigate through.

Many clinics offer a multitude of additional treatments which can be stressful to navigate through.The problem with some of the procedures clinics offer is that there’s currently little evidence that they actually improve the chances of having a baby. Despite this, health providers, continue to market these costly procedures to patients. So if you’ve been considering an IVF add-on, it is very important you understand exactly what they are, and why they may, or may not increase your chances of conceiving.

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